Friday, August 3, 2012

Ramadan is half over

Before Ramadan starts it is easy to feel apprehensive about it. 
"How hard will this be?"
"I don't want to give my morning coffee"
"Argh, taking care of 4 children while fasting will be a disaster"
"Iftar is so late, how can we have just one meal a day?"

Then Ramadan begins.  As soon as it is announced that the moon is sighted I get a little chill run through my body. I'm a little excited.  A special time is here.  Will I be present enough to get some benefits from it?  I sure hope so!  And even if I can't do all the 'extra' worshipping that many people do I know that taking care of my children and my husband is worship in and of itself.  One day I'll have more free time to stay up in prayer or to sit and read during the day, but for now I'm going to take it as it comes, one day at a time.

Since last weekend I've taken a little break from cooking.  My husband was out of town, so that took some pressure off :)  There was also a day-long seminar (I guess you could call it that) at a friend's house and at the mosque that included great sisterhood, lectures, and shared meals.  I ate at her house Wednesday night and Thursday night and got some of that encouragement I blogged about not too long ago.  It was refreshing to hear words of faith from a lady who has studied Islam and shared the beauty and hope of it.  It was also fulfulling to be around a couple of dozen other women, some I knew, some I didn't, who were there for similar reasons as I.  We visited, laughed, shared, and ate together.  It was a much needed couple of days with friends.

Now on to the food ... you knew that was coming...
Monday night was frozen pizzas and leftovers.
Tuesday night was dinner at a local pizza place the kids love.
Wed and Thursday were at the friend's house. For the potluck on Wednesday I took Chicken Paprika, Rice, and some Taco Soup.  Thursday Iftar was catered by Kabab Palace.

And that brings us to this weekend.
Friday, today, I'm making a carrot soup, zucchini quiche, salad, and if I find a bag in the freezer I'll heat up spaghetti sauce and make spaghetti (mostly this is for my husband).

Saturday we'll have our first guests over for this month of Ramadan.  At the first of Ramadan, Iftar started out at 9pm, but tomorrow it will be around 8:40.  That's easier for us with our little ones needing to sleep, so we're excited to have company over tomorrow!  I'll be making a leg of lamb which I season, sear, and put in the crock pot for a few hours.  Sides dishes will be roasted veggies, salad, soup, rice, and maybe a potato casserole. 

May the rest of Ramadan be filled with blessings!