Friday, January 17, 2014

Foamy Handsoap I Put Together At Home

I've recently learned about a line of essential oils called doTerra and was interested in their oils because of the effort they went to to get their oils labelled as therapeutic grade and that they've gotten a nutrition label on some of them that you can put in your food.  I already am a user of essential oils in my home, so I was happy to find a good use for the oil blend called OnGuard whose oils are antimicrobial/bacterial/fungal in nature.   They suggested we use OnGuard in a foaming soap!  I fell for this great idea and set up three bottles in my house using some distilled water, liquid castile soap, and a couple of drops of the essential oils.

I filled each bottle with the distilled water nearly to the top.  Then I squirted a bit of castile soap (on the internet you can find some recipes calling for up to 1/3 cup but I am happy with about 2 tablespoons if I had to estimate).  To that I put 3-5 drops of the essential oil.  I was happy to use the blend On Guard for health reasons, but you could always use an oil of your choice suitable for a soap... lavender, geranium, peppermint, lemon.

I give the bottle a gentle swish back and forth before I use it just to disperse the oil in case it has settled on the top.  Whether it is necessary or not, I don't know.  In the meantime, I'm happy with a very inexpensive, easy to make, and enjoyable to use handsoap!

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