Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Oh where did my garden go?

Assalamu alaikom dear readers,

I have a love/hate relationship with blogging. At times I think about many topics I'd like to blog about and share. Other times I wonder why on earth I ever created this thing. That's why you don't find me updating it very often. Sometimes I feel too busy with Life, and other times I am eager to share the busy-ness of Life. So.... this afternoon I'm excited to update about my compost situation. I started it a few months ago as many of you know. We went through some tough times. Odors, fruitflies, odors, and stagnation. No progress seemed to be in the future. I finally stopped adding to the pile and prayed that it would just rot on its own. A couple of months later I was overjoyed to peek inside and find a whole bunch of dirt! I stirred it some more and decided to let it sit a few more weeks just be sure everything got all rotted out just the same. Last night I emptied the contents over most of my garden area, and I finished spreading it over the front garden this morning. The bin was hardly half way full after all was said and done, and it yielded about a whole 20gallon garbage can. I will probably try for another pile later, but I want to be sure I have more than just kitchen scraps to put in there.

We have a gorgeous sunflower growing by the front door thanks to Maryam's preK class. They put sunflower seeds in a little soil back in March. The kids brought the little plastic cups with the seedlings in them home in May. I put Maryam's in the front garden and watched it grow. We were out of town for a month and were shocked to see the growth it had made in that time! I will hopefully post a picture.

The vegetables didn't turn out so well. Most were eaten by birds as seedlings. The ones that made it were probably not watered enough and were in too much sun. I will try again for some fall crops insha'Allah.

Alright, well, it's taken me about 3 hours to type up this short entry, so I will wrap it up now. hopefully I'll get pictures up soon. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Lol I feel sometimes the same with my blog.. i'm quite a new blogger so i'm just not so deep in it yet :D

    i want to see pics of your garden sis inshaAllah!
