Thursday, February 24, 2011

Our Painted Lady Guests

Assalamu alaikom wa rahmatullah,

About a month ago I bought a package for raising butterflies.  The plastic, netted little butterfly house comes in the mail along with a certificate you redeem when you're ready to receive brand new little butteryfly larva in the mail.  Ours came around January 20, just cute teeny tiny little larva, or caterpillars.  We estimated they hatched about 2 or 3 days before getting to our house. 

They spent the next ten days eating and GROWING!!! They lived in the container they were sent in because all their food was in there, as well as the fact that we didn't want to introduce our bacteria into their habitat.

We observed their growth, and documented how many days they remained caterpillars before climbing to the top of the container to make cocoons.  Oh how delighted the kids were when suddenly, one morning, one caterpillar was hanging from the top! Within hours all 4 were hanging and making cocoons.  They stayed there another ten days or so until out came four beautiful Painted Lady butterflies.

They've been living in that big plastic butterfly garden that came with the original order.  I put a fresh slice of orange for them to eat from every few days.  They're so pretty to look at and fun to observe.  Since the outside temps are too cold to release them, they'll live out their life cycle in our house.  If we wanted to, we could have put nettle or thistle leaves to make a favorable environment for their eggs to hatch and continue the life cycle.  I'm not really up for that, so we'll just let them live out their lives and call it at that.  Our science curriculum had a great set of lab pages for this unit, so my kids got to observe and record all stages. 

 in the picture above you can see the four cocoons

 in the picture above the adult butterflies are having some orange juice

in the picture above, an aerial shot of the Painted Ladies

It's a great learning tool for the whole family! I highly recommend it.
I ordered ours from Insect Lore

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Notebook Page for Studying the Prophets

Assalamu alaikom and peace!

During our studies of ancient history (Story of the World I), we came across the story of Prophet Musa (Moses) peace be upon him.  Thanks to the fabulous blogger over at Talibiddeen Jr, I found this awesome page that we can takes notes on and save for a future book on the prophets.  We can use this template for future studies of any prophet, and I'll have the kids file them in their Islamic Studies Notebook.
Here's the template:

New path for my blog

Assalamu alaikom and peace to everyone!

After much thought, I've decided not only to keep blogging, but to improve it.  Insha'Allah, God willing, I want to continue with the home and garden blogs, and I want to add homeschooling to it, too.  I started blogging in order to log my own thoughts and journeys through life.  Since I don't want to start a new blog or commit to only one subject matter, I decided to make labels and categorize my entries so that you (and I ) can easily find entries of interest in the future.

I hope you enjoy reading as we move forward, and insha'Allah you'll get some benefit out of this!  I especially am excited to share my 'finds' for homeschooling.  After all, that's one way I got the courage and the materials to start my own homeschool :)  Please follow or subscribe!

Peace and LOVE!


Saturday, February 5, 2011

follow up to 'new warm drink'

Alright, if the smell of vinegar has you running for the hills, then skip the 'tea'.
Just mix two tsps vinegar in a little hot water. Sweeten with a bit of honey.
The end.

Or get the caplets of apple cider vinegar.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

new warm drink

Ok, so if ditching your beloved shampoo routine doesn't sound appealing to you, I'll give you something else to think about :) 

Apple cider vinegar has been used for ages for its health benefits.  After a quick search on Mr. Google,  I was so anxious to start chugging it by the gallon! 

Well, for now, I'm putting 2tsps of Organic undiluted apple cider vinegar in a mug of hot water with a bit of local honey.  It's quite refreshing and somehow filling.  My kids even had some and liked it!!

Give it a shot.  I plan on having this at least once day.  Maybe twice.  I read it was good to drink this half an hour before eating, but I am not that organized so I'll stick to having it in the evening after the kidlets have gone to bed.

Here are just a few health benefits of consuming apple cider vinegar courtesy of
reducing cholesterol
reducing weight
heart health
reduce some cancer risks
lower blood pressure
clear up acne
alleviate arthritis
... and more!