Wednesday, February 2, 2011

new warm drink

Ok, so if ditching your beloved shampoo routine doesn't sound appealing to you, I'll give you something else to think about :) 

Apple cider vinegar has been used for ages for its health benefits.  After a quick search on Mr. Google,  I was so anxious to start chugging it by the gallon! 

Well, for now, I'm putting 2tsps of Organic undiluted apple cider vinegar in a mug of hot water with a bit of local honey.  It's quite refreshing and somehow filling.  My kids even had some and liked it!!

Give it a shot.  I plan on having this at least once day.  Maybe twice.  I read it was good to drink this half an hour before eating, but I am not that organized so I'll stick to having it in the evening after the kidlets have gone to bed.

Here are just a few health benefits of consuming apple cider vinegar courtesy of
reducing cholesterol
reducing weight
heart health
reduce some cancer risks
lower blood pressure
clear up acne
alleviate arthritis
... and more!

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