Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A "Crow"tastrophe

My daughter saw a crow with his head stuck in the fence.  Here's what he looked like:


It was really a sad sight to see.  Our whole family went outside to check it out.  My husband was good enough to put some work gloves on and attempt a rescue:
Poor birdie flew a few feet then was still for a while.  We left it, and it was gone this morning when I went to look.  Aisha promptly offered that a coyote could have gotten it.  I was hoping it just needed a moment to recover and flew on his merry way :D
After looking at those first two pictures a little bit closer, I took the girls and went back to the fence to take a closer look.  I think the poor thing was badly injured and splattered and dripped blood around his body on the fence.  It definitely looks like blood.  A neighbor happened to be walking by at the time, so she and her two little ones helped us look and analyze.  

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