Saturday, April 16, 2011

Menu Planning Friday (posted Saturday)

Assalamu alaikom wa rahmatullah!

Friday was menu planning, right on time!  Alhamdulillah, we didn't actually eat all the meals I had planned for last week, so some will get slotted into this upcoming week. Not sure how this is working out, but I feel like we don't have that many groceries to get this week.  The template I normally use seems to have disappeared from the site I use, however this template is very similar. In fact, it is helpful if you have a child with allergies or need to make anything special for someone in the family for some reason.  If you browse that site you will find a treasure trove of organization help, not only for meals but for other aspects of daily life!  (handy for all of us, not just homeschoolers)

Without further ado:
Lunch options this week (now that I have basil I hope to have enough to make my own pesto this week)
* Pasta with pesto
* Cabbage Salad
* Chicken tortilla casserole (was such a big hit last week that it must be repeated this week)
* Sandwiches
* Hot dogs (if necessary :$)

Monday: Cooked Yogurt Dish w/ Beef Stew; Rice
Tuesday: Same as Monday
Wednesday: Baked potato and chili
Thursday: Spaghetti and Sauce, salad, garlic bread
Friday: Same as Thursday
Saturday: Skillet fried chicken strips w/ salad.

Recipes available upon request :)


  1. Assalamoalikom Sister I live In Plano I was so happy and enjoyed reading your blog very useful things gazakiallahkhair,I like it and wish to learn how to do one too ,I will look to learn soon Insa.
    now my question about how do you make the pesto ? for the pasta...thanks

  2. Wa alaikom assalam, I'm so happy you enjoyed my blog. If you click on the little orange letter B at upper left hand corner of this blog it will take you to the main page. From there you will find instructions on how to start your own. Insha'Allah I'll post the recipe for my pesto.
