Monday, May 30, 2011

update on previous diet/health topics

Assalamu alaikom wa rahmatullah,

Whenever I look at who's been looking at my blog, I see that one particular entry gets a lot of views.  The one about using baking soda for washing hair.  Someone must be coming back over and over for some reason, so I felt like I had to update on my little trial.

I was enjoying cleaning my hair using the baking soda wash and following it with apple cider vinegar until I went for a haircut one day.  My sylist told me my scalp didn't look so good.  She said it is dry and flaky (although I hadn't had any signs of this), and of course she asked what shampoo I was using.  Too embarassed to tell her I'd been using baking soda (lol) I told her it was a natural shampoo.  She said I need a moisturizing one that will take care of the scalp. 

I ditched the soda and used a shampoo that was moisturizing.  I try not to wash it too often, so I usually can go 3 days without shampooing.  It does feel cleaner and my scalp does feel more normal, come to think of it.  Last week I bought Jason brand shampoo hoping it has changed since the first time I used it several years ago.  So far, so good. Today was my 3rd wash with it and I think I'm ok with it.  I've heard from some women who've been using the baking soda wash for years now and I wonder how their scalp feels.  Maybe it's just not for me!

Ok, moving on.  I've been drinking apple cider vinegar a lot. I dilute it in a mug of water and add a spoon of honey.  I personally enjoy this drink, but everyone in my family can't stand the stink of the vinegar!!  I'm told it smells like armpits and like feet.  So if I do make a mug, I have to drink it in the kitchen and drink it FAST!!!  It's ok.  While there aren't any hard proofs that it does any one particular thing, there are many theories that this drink helps your skin, your heart, cholesterol, and weight loss.  I haven't lost any weight, but maybe if you drink it in the morning it would help more than how I drink it which is at night.

My mornings are reserved for my other favorite drink: green smoothie!!!  LOVE IT!  I still make them, and now my kids are starting to drink them too.  I put a date (always have a tub of those in the house), a banana, a cup or more of frozen fruits (we love the tropical mix), a cup or so of organic baby spinach, and enough water to make it smooth.  Sometimes I add an apple or something else.  We like to have it as a mid-morning snack around 10:30am.  Talk about invigorating!  It just gives you a CLEAN feeling like you just got a boost of energy without any of the downers of caffeine or sugar.  The calories are pretty low and oh-so-good for you.  You will feel the benefits right away if you start having these.  Your skin will have that special glow, too, from the fruits.

Of course no one eats perfectly all the time, but I find that incorporating these little things as often as is convenient makes me feel better, more balanced, and healthier.

1 comment:

  1. Salaams! I enjoy your blog Zein! I too take the apple cider vinegar with quite warm water and manuka honey. It's helped my heartburn issues and I'm hoping it'll help aid a stomach ulcer I have. I admit, the smell can be appalling but I feel better taking it, been using it about a month now.
