Sunday, October 18, 2009

Boy do Sundays stink

Assalamu alaikom and peace to you all,
As far back as I can remember, I hated Sundays. Mom and I concluded it was the lack of structure to the day. Other theories come and go, but they all include feelings of sadness, boredom, disappointment, and blah-dom. So here I am, pushing 35, and I still don't do well on Sundays. Having children keeps me busy, busier than I ever was in the past, so I don't get as down on Sundays as before. Still, it's like something great should happen, and then it just doesn't. It's ok, I will deal with it. I just hope I don't pass it along to my kids!

On this particular Sunday, some negative feelings I've been pushing to the back of my head really made their way to the front. So I'm trying to learn how and when to just accept people for who they are and not let parts of their personality bother me. Once I accept that they are like this no matter what, then I realize, sadly, that we're not as close I wished we could have been. It's like this; I have to say 'ok, you are this way, and I cannot change you, but... because of this I cannot be close to you'. Does this make sense? Kind of dark for any day, much less a Sunday. So, ya, that's part of my stinky sunday. I feel this is a side effect of getting old. You are not so close with people. We get to where we just cannot just roll with it when people do things against our ideals and beliefs. That might be a good thing, a type of self preservation, but it doesn't do much for the social calendar!

For now, my kids are sitting on the floor playing a board game. I thank God for all my blessings, and pray for guidance and patience. Here's to a better Monday.

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