So, Facebook has turned out to be a funny, unique arena for one to express herself and to see into others' lives. It's actually close to blogging. You share how you feel, what you're reading, who you saw, and where you're going. We find out what you had for dinner last night, and which groceries you forgot while at the store today. Your car broke down, you ran into George W on the elevator at work, or your kids are all throwing up. It's brilliant, really. No one really has to answer. And what's easier is the 'Like' button. How great is that! You don't even have to think of anything to say... just "LIKE".
But here's the catch about facebook; there is no "dislike". It's kind of an unwritten rule. You cannot dislike, disagree, or 'dis' in general anyone's status or pic. Someone puts up a crazy drunk picture of herself, and you feel it is out of line. Have you ever read any comment that said "you look terrible" or "why on Earth would you publish this on the net"? I never have. And I've seen pictures from "friends" that have made me cringe. I've read status updates with some colorful words that have made me cringe. And what did I do? Scroll, scroll, scroll. What else is there to do? More than once I clicked to 'comment' but just couldn't. Because how rude and judgmental would that sound! So, ya, facebook is like the place where everyone will reinforce whatever you just said. "Cute!" "Great!" etc.. If you really don't like what you read, chances are you'll never say it, and you'll never know who agrees with you!
Hence, my blog.
This is one reason I was motivated to start it. I actually set up this account a few months ago, but I never started the actual blogging. Recently, I've felt that I've had to suppress what I really believe and really think to spare the feelings of those who read my Facebook. I know, it's kinda weird, but I see all sorts of things that over the course of the day end up bugging me b/c I never get the chance to speak my mind. Now, I'm not going to come here and backbite or gossip about who said what on FB!!! LOL, nope, but I will get to write about the beliefs I am passionate about and the way of life I love. It is kind of conservative, so that is one reason why the general masses on FB bother me. See, as a practicing Muslim, I try to do things that are going to please my Creator. I want to stay away from the doubtful, from the disliked, and from the things that will take me away from the remembrance of Him. When I see or read things that go against my beliefs, I recognize that that is someone else's choice, but to not say anything about it is what brings me down. The hardest part is when I see other Muslims doing those things, because we supposedly share the same beliefs and I want for them what I want for myself.
What I see coming up in this blog is an outlet for me to share the joys of my faith. I want to increase my faith, not let it get run down. I want to, once again, remember Allah in all of my actions and to purify my intentions. It should be for His sake alone. That is where the joy is...and I want to share that! I know a lot my friends and readers are not Muslims, but I hope you will keep checking back here even after this long blog today. You will see how alike we are, how alike our beliefs are. You will have to muddle through (or skip over) the Arabic words I stick in here or there :) But please please please do feel free to ask me anything. I am comfortable and happy to try to answer any questions you might have. And for my fellow Muslim sisters who are following, I hope to be, if anything, a bit of encouragement in your day :) Thanks for reading if you've made it this far!
Great post, Zein! I hope to learn more about your beliefs, because in all honesty I am completely clueless:)